Thursday, November 10, 2005

The turntables are working!

I got a bit of good news this week from Tommy, one of our directors at KRUI, regarding the equipment in the station. Apparently those two Technics turntables that had been under a pile of shyte for quite some time are fully functional. Therefore, it is only right to break out the small number of vinyl-only tracks I have in my bag of goodies, and get 'em ready for the show. I have been recording these tracks with GarageBand from my Numark decks to my PowerBook, but now it seems I will be able to play 'em straight off the original medium. Very nice, indeed. One half of the show will be vinyl-only tracks (maybe) and the other half most likely just a random selection of the goodness.
Another bit of VERY good news: an extremely nice gentleman from England by the name of Buddy Peace notified me that I will be receiving a fair amount of his own recordings in the mail very soon. I have featured selections of his mixing and remixing on the show before, and he certainly deserves more recognition. Look forward to the newest material (at least to me) from Buddy Peace coming real soon.

Recent purchases:
DJ Shadow - Funky Skunk
Piano Overlord - The Singles Collection (Money Studies)
Aaron Lacrate and Low Budget - Bmore Gutter Music (Milkcrate)
Disco D - Funk Flava
Diplo - Favela Strikes Back
Shadow Huntaz - Corrupt Data Instrumentals (Skam)
and others not entirely electronic

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