Saturday, March 25, 2006

This guy made my night and my entire semester

A very kind individual called in this evening during the show, just to express his opinion regarding the show:

"Dude, best show ever."

No shit. He was definitely feeling the "Brainfreeze" and "Raiding the 20th Century." Also, I apparently have been playing pretty much "everything [he] likes" for this whole semester. He did have a few suggestions, I believe some Mr. Dibbs and Madlib, so I'll be sure to get right on those. I wish I would have written them down.

Just one call like that really makes a guy's amateur college radio DJ "career" worth it. Much appreciation goes out to all the listeners. I assume you are a small group, but two ears are better than none.

1 comment:

erik skaden said...

Love the new pimped site. also, the picture of lauren made me laugh... a lot.